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Monday, July 17, 2006

Freehold Areas Announced... Some Surprises!

Freehold or Not? Dubai Marina properties hang in the balance.

Gulf News today announces: Dubai issues list of freehold locations. Although the new property law was announced as early as March 2006, only now, four months later, is there some clarity on what will be freehold and what will not. Some, however, is the operative word. Although the Gulf News article states,

Industry experts told Gulf News the new regulations did not offer any surprises, but they awaited further clarification.

there may be for some quite a few surprises. The list of properties does not appear nearly as comprehensive as many would have hoped. Furthermore, it still leaves people to speculate on the fundamental question: Is my property freehold?

Why is further clarification still needed? How long does it take to annoucnce that this is freehold and this is not? The reason that more confusion is likely to result is that the areas named are identified by plots. Specific plot numbers are given. The difficulty comes in in matching these listed plot numbers with the various plot numbers usually provided for individual properties.

Specifically, in the case of Dubai Marina, the following plots are specified: 007, 014, 015, 033. Where exactly in the Marina are these? Only four plots, when there are dozens of towers built or being constructed on numerous individual plots? It would appear that the municipality has its own plot labels, not commonly used or recognized. It would seem that one will have to traipse down to the Lands Office and examine their maps and documents to determine whether a specific property falls within the freehold zone or not.

Gulf news provides a pdf file listing the designated zones--minus any plot numbers. So, what does that tell the property owner who really wants to know if his property is freehold or not. Nothing, I'm afraid!

Where to find out more?

  • Consult the three-page, five-article Order No. 3 of 2006 published in the government's official gazette on July 3, 2006.
  • Ask Gulf News about the document, a copy of which was obtained yesterday.
Published on 3 July and obtained by GN yesterday, this much ballyhooedd document, it would seem, is hard to get.

Related News: Dubai condominium law likely this year.

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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Now This is Branding

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThe Summit is a brand new tower project in Dubai Marina which already has a name and probably a following.

Why so fast? Is it the sleek design, is it the concept (a lettable office-condominium), is it the location, is it the money spent on publicity...? Well, it is all of this ...or simply put, branding!

It isn't the tallest tower, nor the most exclusive. It certainly won't be the most affordable, nor the most iconic. But it has a combination of at least a few notable qualities, each alone perhaps not amounting to much. But promoted together, the reaction it garners is STUNNING! ORIGINAL!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           Judge for yourself:

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSome towers are a brand in and of themselves, not really needing to make an effort--like the Burj Dubai, the acclaimed tallest tower in the world. Actually, the branding started with the decision to build such a tower.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingIn most cases, however, the brand has to be developed. MAG PDD, for example, builder of MAG 214, 218 and 224 towers is creating a brand in its name--but that leaves some work to be done for each individual tower to establish it's own brand.

The Summit developer chose to establish its identity through the simultaneous release of some of the most stunning renders seen on the property market to date. They create the illusion that the rising spire is the pure essence of the word summit--even though this is not the case.

The tower, using its spire, could just as easily have been named The Spire, The Point, The Antenna, The Pic and so on. But with the name Summit and a magnificent spire as its symbol, a totally new brand seems to have been created.

The Summit is by developer, ETA Star.

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Thursday, July 06, 2006

Freehold on Course

  Dubai Marina: Freehold?  Yes

Gulf News today (06-Jul-06) provides some indication that the new freehold law has finally come into affect with regard to the registration of titles and designation of freehold areas:

According to the source, the process of issuing title deeds in individual names is in fact under way with many residents bearing official documents declaring the land in their name.

...a decree identifying Dubai's freehold zones has been officially agreed by the Ruler's Office and is awaiting official publication.

What Areas Are Indicated?

The Gulf News article provides a map (.pdf) highlighting (without commentary) the following areas as freehold:

Dubai MarinaDubai WaterfrontPalm, Jumeirah
Palm, Jebel AliPalm, DeiraGreens
Meadows Springs Discovery Gardens
Jumeirah Golf Est.Arabian RanchesThe Lagoons
International CityBurj DubaiBusiness Bay


Sheikh Zayed Road which has a large cluster of office and residential towers is not indicated, however, properties here have long been presumed to be leasehold or rental. Notably the Green Community, Dubailand, Jumeirah Lake Towers and Jumeirah Islands are not mentioned, among other communities commonly pitched as freehold.

  Sheikh Zayed Road: Freehold?  No

These omissions, however, may not be significant, as Gulf News adds from statements made by Mohammad Sultan Thani, director of development and marketing administration at Dubai Land Department:

Developments built by major real estate companies such as Nakheel, Dubai Holding and Emaar will be included, and added, "We are not expecting any major omissions".

Despite more clarity some degree of uncertainity remains. The official release and publication of all relevant property laws and decrees remains overdue.

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